New to C.C.C. N.A.P.?
I know you might be wondering, what is it really like to worship at C.C.C. North Atlanta Parish. To put you mind a ease, we are all about Jesus Christ. You will not be met with judgment, condemnation, shame or even guilt. We may wear a particular attire, but we don’t care how you’re dressed or where you came from. We are full of imperfect people serving a perfect God. The best part is, that no matter what you have been through or what questions you may have about God and faith, our church is the place where you will find grace, love, forgiveness and the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
Have questions? We’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.
Here are some common questions you may be asking before joining us for Sunday Worship!
“Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life." Revelation 22:17 We want you to be as comfortable as can be, so come as you are. While members where what we call "sutanas" others choose to dress formally or comfortably. We just want to you to be yourself as everyone is welcome!
When you drive into our Parking Lot, you are welcomed to park in any parking space available. We also have Handicap Parking spots should you need this type of accommodation.
Head towards the brick staircase where you will see double white doors. Please open doors carefully and cautiously.